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E-learning in Tertiary Education : Where Do We Stand?
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9264009205 9786610356454 1280356456 9264009213 Year: 2005 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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Following the burst of the dot-com bubble in 2000, scepticism about e-learning replaced over-enthusiasm. Rhetoric aside, where do we stand? Why and how do different kinds of tertiary education institutions engage in e-learning? What do institutions perceive to be the pedagogic impact of e-learning in its different forms? How do institutions understand the costs of e-learning? How might e-learning impact staffing and staff development? This book addresses these and many other questions. The study is based on a qualitative survey of practices and strategies carried out by the OECD Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) at 19 tertiary education institutions from 11 OECD member countries – Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States – and 2 non-member countries – Brazil and Thailand. This qualitative survey is complemented by the findings of a quantitative survey of e-learning in tertiary education carried out in 2004 by the Observatory on Borderless Higher Education (OBHE) in some Commonwealth countries.

Supporting Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Higher Education in Austria
ISBN: 9264874844 9264353739 Year: 2019 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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Entry and Competition in the Market for Short-Cycle Programs
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Short-cycle higher education programs form skilled human capital in two or three years and are eminently oriented to the labor market. While they could play a key role in the upskilling and reskilling of the workforce required for employment recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic, they will only do so if their supply responds fast and nimbly to the skill needs to local labor markets. This paper studies the entry, competition, and turnover of short-cycle higher education programs (SCPs) in Colombia. It documents a large expansion in the number of programs over the past fifteen years and studies the frequency of program entry and exit. It finds that the market for SCPs is more dynamic than the market for bachelor's programs, as it exhibits greater turnover or "churn" of programs, with a significantly higher rate of program entry and exit in a given year. Exploiting data on local productivity and employment by field of study, the paper finds that SCPs are more responsive than bachelor's programs to changes in local labor demand. Among SCP providers, private and non-university institutions respond the most to the local economy. SCP entry is deterred by the presence of competitors and responds to cost considerations, particularly among private institutions. For a given institution, exit and entry decisions are highly correlated within a field of study. While enrollment is sensitive to the number of competitors, institutions differentiate their product by tuition, field, and geographic coverage. Overall, the evidence suggests that SCPs might indeed respond fast and nimbly to the local labor market needs created by the pandemic.

Examens des politiques nationales d'éducation : L'enseignement supérieur en Irlande 2006
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9264014349 9264014330 Year: 2007 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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Si l’Irlande a été l’un des premiers pays européens à avoir compris l’importance économique de l’éducation, le système d’enseignement supérieur irlandais n’en est pas moins aujourd’hui à la croisée des chemins, avec des défis de taille à affronter. Il est nécessaire d’investir massivement pour renforcer en profondeur les programmes postlicence et les structures de recherche, de développement et d’innovation. Il convient de mettre en place des mécanismes permettant de trouver le juste équilibre entre les diverses composantes du système d’enseignement tertiaire, qui comprend les universités, les instituts de technologie et les autres établissements assurant une formation postsecondaire. Il est en outre nécessaire de répondre aux demandes en matière de spécialisation, de concurrence et de complémentarités à l’intérieur du système. Ce rapport étudie l’ensemble des questions relatives à l’enseignement supérieur et propose des recommandations pratiques qui répondent aux ambitions des pouvoirs publics pour ce secteur. Il propose des méthodes d’action destinées à développer des sources de financement supplémentaires.

Examens des politiques nationales d'éducation : L'enseignement supérieur au Portugal 2007
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789264045057 Year: 2008 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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Au Portugal, le secteur de l’enseignement supérieur s’est sensiblement développé au cours des vingt dernières années, mais la fréquentation et le niveau global d’études demeurent inférieurs aux normes européennes et les taux de scolarisation ont commencé à baisser. Dans son examen, l’OCDE recommande aux autorités nationales du Portugal de se polariser sur l’orientation stratégique et de laisser aux établissements d'enseignement supérieur une plus grande latitude dans la mise en œuvre des priorités gouvernementales en accord avec la mission qui est la leur. Parmi les réformes proposées, les examinateurs invitent le Portugal à créer un Conseil national de l’enseignement supérieur qui serait chargé de superviser la stratégie du pays dans ce secteur éducatif. Les examinateurs préconisent aussi d’apporter de grands changements à la gouvernance et à la gestion des établissements d'enseignement supérieur pour les mettre en phase avec les objectifs nationaux, favoriser leur réceptivité et leur efficience et améliorer leur qualité. L’un des objectifs stratégiques essentiels du gouvernement portugais est d’améliorer la recherche et l’innovation, et les examinateurs de l’OCDE suggèrent d’apporter un certain nombre de changements d’ordre qualitatif au système d’enseignement supérieur du Portugal afin de renforcer les performances dans ces deux domaines.

Resourcing higher education : challenges, choices, and consequences

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Investment in higher education in OECD countries has increased substantially over the last 20 years, as a result of higher enrollment, increasing costs, government priorities related to skills, and research and innovation. Faced with economic and fiscal challenges, public authorities across the OECD need now more than ever to make thoughtful decisions about how to mobilise, allocate and manage financial and human resources in higher education. Effective action on the part of governments requires knowledge of international trends and alternative policy approaches; evidence from research and policy evaluations; and the practical experience of peers in other countries. The OECD Higher Education Resources Project addresses these needs by providing an accessible international evidence base for policy makers in Resourcing Higher Education, and targeted system-specific analyses in upcoming policy briefs and national policy reviews.

Le defi d'etablir des universites de rang mondial
Year: 2009 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Les gouvernements sont de plus en plus conscients du role important que jouent les universites de rang mondial par leur contribution a la competitivite globale de leurs economies. Aussi bien les pays industrialises que les pays en developpement se rendent compte de la necessite d'avoir une ou plusieurs universites de haut standing qui peuvent tenir leur rang par rapport aux meilleures parmi les meilleures. En replacant les efforts pour etablir des universites de rang mondial dans le contexte plus general du developpement des systemes d'enseignement superieur et en reconnaissant l'impact croissant des classements nationaux et internationaux d'universites, ce livre presente les strategies et les approches qui peuvent etre suivies pour mettre en place des universites competitives au plus haut niveau. Il explore les defis lies a ces efforts, ainsi que les couts et les risques afferents. Les conclusions de cet ouvrage sont d'un interet particulier pour les decideurs, les responsables d'universites, les chercheurs et la communaute internationale impliquee dans le developpement des systemes educatifs.

Reviews of National Policies for Education: Higher Education in Egypt 2010
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1282572652 9786612572654 9264084347 9264077235 Year: 2010 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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In recent years, the Government of Egypt has driven major reforms for modernising the country. However, Egypt’s higher education system has remained largely unchanged and without fundamental reform of the sector the country will face difficulties in improving its competitiveness. This independent review of Egypt’s higher education system focuses on areas in need of attention by policy makers and stakeholders, including system steering and institutional governance; student access to higher education; educational quality and effectiveness; research, development and innovation; and finance. It contains an analysis of the system and valuable recommendations which, taken together, represent a major programme of structural and cultural reform of Egyptian higher education over the decade to 2020.

La cyberformation dans l'enseignement supérieur : État des lieux

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Avec la fin du boom de la « nouvelle économie », en 2000, l’enthousiasme autour de la cyberformation a laissé place au scepticisme. Mais dans les faits, où en sommes-nous ? Pourquoi et comment différents types d’établissements d’enseignement supérieur s’engagent-ils dans la cyberformation ? Selon eux, quels sont les impacts pédagogiques de la cyberformation dans ses différentes formes, et quel est son coût ? Quelles peuvent être les implications de la cyberformation sur le recrutement et la formation du personnel enseignant ? Cet ouvrage tente de répondre entre autres à ces questions.  

Knowledge, diversity and performance in European higher education : a changing landscape.
ISBN: 9781782540717 9781783472000 Year: 2014 Publisher: Cheltenham Edward Elgar Pub. Ltd.

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This highly original book analyses the results of a pioneering set of microdata on higher education institutions in 27 European countries in order to address key issues in higher education and research. For the first time, data on individual European higher education institutions (rather than data aggregated at the country level) is used in order to examine a wide range of issues that are both theoretically challenging and relevant from policy-making and societal perspectives. The contributors integrate statistics on universities and colleges with other sources of information such as patents, start-up firms and bibliometric data, and employ rigorous empirical methods to address a range of key questions, including: what is the role of non-university tertiary education such as vocational training? How important is the private sector? Are European universities internationalized? Are they efficient from the point of view of costs and educational output? Are there pure research universities in Europe? How do universities contribute to economic growth? By furthering the current debate on the future and competiveness of the European university model compared to that of the US and Asia, this book will prove an invaluable reference tool for academics and researchers in the fields of sociology of higher education and economics, particularly the economics of innovation, science and education. University decision-makers and administrators as well as policy-makers at local and European levels will also find this book to be a useful and enlightening read.

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